Award Reference
Check Balance
Check the balance of your float account. You can use this API to obtain balance of your float account before initiating a Create Award transaction.
Check Balance.
GET /v1/float/check HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Key: {API Key}
Sign: {Signature}
"code": 0,
"message": "string",
"data": {
"balance": 0.00,
"currency": "string",
"equivalent": {
"{currencyInISO4217}": {
"balance": 0.00,
"asOf": 1706600000000
Property | Type | Description |
code | number | The response code. Refer to ENUM Definition. |
message | string | The response message. |
data | object | The response data. |
data.balance | number | The current balance of your float account denominated in USD. |
data.currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the currency balance. This will always be USD . |
data.equivalent | object | The equivalent balance data consist of mapped ISO 4217 currency code. |
data.equivalent .{currencyInISO4217} | object | The equivalent currency data. By default, the currency returned will be dependent on your home country. For example, if your account is registered as a Malaysia account, then currency is MYR . |
data.equivalent .{currencyInISO4217}.balance | number | The equivalent balance amount in currency. |
data.equivalent .{currencyInISO4217}.asOf | number | The as of date and time in unix millisecond time of balance based on the currency exchange rate. |
Create Award
Award a binded customer a Gold Convert (GC) and Gold Asset Enhance (GAE) reward. This process will deduct your float account balance to issue Gold Convert (GC) and Gold Asset Enhance (GAE) reward to the customer.
ENUM Definitions
The following are the definitions of the enums used in the API.