QM Developer Docs
Customer Reference

Bind Customer

Before you can proceed to perform operations with a registered customer in the platform, you need to bind the customer first. This is a one-time process where you will need to provide the customer's information to obtain an unique identifier for the customer.

Bind a customer.

POST /v1/customer/bind HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Key: {API Key}
Sign: {Signature}

    "customer": {
        "identityNumber": "string"



customerobjectThe customer's object to be binded.
customer.identityNumberstringThe customer's Identity Number, i.e. NRIC.



    "code": 0,
    "message": "string",
    "data": {
        "id": "string"
codenumberThe response code.

0 - it means the customer is successfully binded.

801 - it means that the customer of this customer.identityNumber does not exist.
Proceed to Register Customer.

802 - it means that the customer has yet to complete the final registration process.
Proceed to Request One-Time Link.

803 - it means this customer cannot be binded.

For other generic code, refer to ENUM Definition.
messagestringThe response message.
dataobjectThe response data.
data.idstringThe unique identifier to the binded customer will be returned if response's code is 0. This id is required for further operation.

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