QM Developer Docs
Integration Guide

Bind Customer

This guide provides the steps to bind registered customer in the platform.

Ensure that you have read and understood the Getting Started guide and the available Service Endpoints.

Below outlines the steps to bind a registered customer in the platform.

Bind Customer

API Reference: v1/customer/bind

To bind a registered customer, you need to send a request to the v1/customer/bind endpoint. Depending on the response, you may need to perform additional steps.

Register new Customer

API Reference:

There are two stages in customer registration process:

  1. Stage 1: Initial registration
  2. Stage 2: Final registration

Stage 1: Initial Registration

In order to bind a customer, you may need to register the customer first. If the customer identity number does not exist, you need to register the customer. In this process, upon initiating customer register, the customer will receive a one-time verification code to complete the initial registration process. You will need to return the one-time verification code from the customer to verify the registration.

Upon completion of the above process, the API will return a redirectOneTimeLink which you need to redirect the customer to complete the final registration process.

Stage 2: Final Registration

In the final registration process, the customer is required to complete this process on our platform. This is done so that the customer can set their login password and PIN to complete the registration process.

If the customer has not completed the final registration process, you may receive 802 in response's code during the binding process. This means that initial customer registration was successful, however, the customer did not complete the final registration process. In this case, you need to request a one-time link to redirect the customer to complete the registration process.


After the customer completes the registration process, you can bind the customer again.

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